Saturday, September 12, 2015

Elf, Elf, Elf and... Elf

Now that my first heroes set is gone, I have to begin a new one. But I decided to save on time (and colors) by painting more of the same type and took four elfs. As told before, I like to go out of the classic schemes, so, except the one painted red/brown, I had fun painting the other three with uncommon color schemes. Unfortunately I was not smart enough to think to made at least one drow (but I'll fix this missing in the following days). I like to imagine Heroquest like a game in wich you can select alternate outfits for your character as you can do in Street Fighter, Tekken and other similar games. This also allow us to play a quest with two players using the same character avoiding confusion or even to add a 5th player to the standard team (years ago we even experienced an 8 players game by using two Heroquest sets and custom quests featuring two tabletops). So, here is the result, wich one is your favourite?

the alternate outfits for the elf!



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