Saturday, November 20, 2021

Barbarian Quest Pack - Original Sculpts

Following the previous post with the Elf Quest Pack prototype figures, here are the 4ups sculpt from the Barbarian Quest Pack, one of the two rare HeroQuest expansions released in North America and Canada only. The photos are taken by Rod Phelps (aka Skyknight) who also owns the figures.
You can notice from the images they are yellow and bigger than the original blue miniatures we get used to see. Rod posted some of these figures for the first time in 2010 on Boardgamegeek and explained as follows:

"When companies make minis they used to make 3Ups or 4Ups. These were one of a kind oversized models that would then be sent down to the sculptors so they could have a larger specimen to work the detail into the mini."

On another post, Rod also explained why the Yeti figure is missing from the set:

"Glaringly obvious is the fact that the yeti is missing. Just before I got my hands on this, one of the wives of the employees got him because it reminded her of the bumble on Rudolph. Is what it is."

And also answered to people asking him to paint them:

"these things are the original heroquest molds, to alter them in any way would be sort of like dying King Tuts bandages to make him more colorful....while it may look cool it does affect the overall historic value of the thing. No, these will be left just as they are and well taken care of, I loved Heorquest as a young lad and an adult and to own a piece of that history is very cool in my book....

I have others but they were never released so I have decided not to post pics of them until I make some more inquiries into it."

With the last sentence he was referring to the unreleased expansions for the Dwarf and the Wizard!
Please note: I obtained from Rod his permission to publish this photos.

 Check the links below for more information about these rare figures:
- Barbarian Quest Pack - Original Sculpts
- Elf Quest Pack - Original Sculpts
- Wizard Quest Pack - Unreleased Sculpts
- Dwarf Quest Pack - Unreleased Sculpts


  1. Please tell me you habe access to high definition scanners, the 3d community have been begging for these models for years

    1. Unfortunately not. Neither the miniatures are mine.
